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Hi, I’m Naria
I grew up in a tiny village in the English countryside, but I’ve always had big dreams. Now, my goal is to help the world to speak English confidently and fluently! Learning a foreign language embarrassing or boring.
I grew up in a tiny village in the English countryside, but I’ve always had big dreams now my goal is to help.
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I grew up in a tiny village in the English countryside, but I’ve always had big dreams now my goal is to help.
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Mack Makia
8.0 IELTS Band Score

Mack Makia
8.0 IELTS Band Score

Mack Makia
8.0 IELTS Band Score
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Q. You are learning you want to sound more natural?
- We teach from experience. Our educators are top-tier freelance web designers who will show you the frameworks in their own businesses.
Q. Boost your English level and get better grades in English exams
Q. You like the way the modern RP accent sounds
Q. You want to improve your income, your business, and your life